March 7, 2011


Transport whatever you were like
Meant riding on your old push bike
From the factories hundreds would ride
Among which the bosses car would glide.

Gradually thinning at each and every junction
Crude maybe, but fulfilling their function
Cars then were few and far between
In our street only the one to be seen.

It might give people today a bit of a start
Goods back then were delivered by horse and cart
The coal man as black as his socks
The horse and cart delivered nutty slacks.

Co-op groceries, a cart with rubber tyred wheel
The milk car had wheels rimmed by steel
The horse was never ever started or woad
As the milk deliverer got up the road.

When the milkman was about to run out of milk
The horse would take the strain, start smooth as silk
Slowly walking up our gravelled road
Gentle pulling its great heavy load.

Stopping exactly on the very spot
Where the milkman had delivered all he'd got
Breweries delivered beer by horse drawn dray
Beautiful shires, who says it wasn't a better way.

The public transport was by electric bus
Quiet, quick, cheap loved by all of us
Giving cows in nearby fields a fright
Noisy dirty steam trains, but what a sight.

Other goods were delivered by and large
By majestic graceful Thames sailing barge
Groceries bought, delivered by delivery lad
Gone today, makes you feel sad.

Papers and letters delivered through letter boxed door
That's what postman's leg were made for
Mum sees an old school c hum down the down
Ask for friend's address, brings a frown.

Can't remember, when I get home I'll have to see
Penny post it, you'll get it before you sit down for tea
In this method we were not alone
No one we knew had a telephone.

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