March 7, 2011


Later in 1942, things took a better look,
We bombed them, beat them at Tobruk.
Americans won battle of Midway;
Germans at Stalingrad, there to pay.

In years middle Germans we did pommel,
At El Alamain, Monty defeated Rommel.
All over the globe it was just the same,
The axis halted, the allies began to gain.

About this time we kids in the junior school
Walked once a week to the 'Lairs' swimming pool,
Teachers telling us, can't do this, can't do that;
On school holidays we'd be in, in 10 seconds flat.

With towels 'round shoulders, towels worn and old;
Freezing, while teach lectured on doing as we were told.
Most of the boys and girls just could not swim.
Swimmers like me, left to do as took our whim.

I know we were lectured for our safety now,
But couldn't it be done when we were dressed, silly cow!
I believe we were in for about half an hour;
Whistled blew, get out! Take a cold shower.

Once dressed, roll towel and walk back to school.
A lesson I liked if it wasn't so cool.
Now at night we watched our bombers to Germany go,
Then daylight raids by Yanks, a continual flow.

All the time us kids would wonder why?
All those young men dying up in the sky.
No thought of the foe, we were not hard-hearted;
For it was they, the Germans they started.

We heard of Malta that sandstone rock,
To see it bombing was such a shock!
With us supplying the island at a great loss,
Soon a turnaround, they'd show who's boss.

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