March 7, 2011

Chapter 7

As kids we spent most of our time out
Kicking at balls or just running about.
We played all sorts of games, whatever our whim.
In summer breaks though we'd mostly swim.

Summers then were always very hot.
Seems, looking back, that's all we got?
Mother gave us a threepenny bit;
Leastwise that's how I remember it.

We would walk two or three miles.
Laughing and playing - all full of smiles.
We would walk in threes and in pairs
Over to the scrub land; then called the Lairs.

Threepenny piece clutched in one hand
We knew the day was bound to be grand.
Soon, at the pool called "Piper's Vale",
To have a good time - couldn't fail.

The pool on the vale overlooking the river.
As we drew near in anticipation we'd quiver.
Clutching our towels, all thin and worn;
We were the luckiest kids ever born.

At the turnstiles we paid a penny a piece.
Banter between us never did cease.
Plimsolls, short flannels, shirts on the floor -
Very worn - mum couldn't afford more.

On "cozzy"; clothes into a locker stuffed.
Down to the poolside - we were so chuffed.
The pool was in the open air.
Water could be cold, to be fair.

Each of us stuck in a toe.
No matter the cold, in we'd go.
Up the five-metre board we would climb,
Bearing in mind I couldn't swim at the time.

I would jump to land near the pool's side.
At four or five; fear I just had to hide.
If I miscalculated, I just gave a shout;
The bigger boys would soon pluck me out.

Other bigger boys to the middle threw me in.
On that very day I soon learnt to swim.
The pool, privet hedged, on three sides bound;
Shingle "beach" up from the pool on the ground.

At the top 'tween beach and building, a patio
Was there when we got hungry, that we'd go
For a penny-a-cup of strong hot Bovril.
Feeling cold we would drink our fill.

Another cup in the afternoon;
Made our way home very soon.
Although light till late; had to be home by five.
Threats by mums, "Be late and you'll be skinned alive!"

Spent all that energy, we were starving, of course.
Laid before us, we would eat a scabby horse.
Talking of which, it was often our fate
To find horse meat on our plate.

One dish that made me go quite pale
Was when dished up meat from a whale.
Soon your appetite it would spoil,
Tasted just like cod liver oil!

Then when rations seemed so very poor.
Whatever, we would always ask for more.
If mum found dried fruit, that was very good.
Spotted dick or maybe treacle pud.

Two things for eating I didn't want to know;
Was frogspawn-like stuff, called sago.
Tapioca, other stuff with a funny name;
To eat it - I just wasn't game.

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