March 7, 2011


At the beginning of 1941
Turning of tide had begun
On the sea and in the Middle East land
Seems the Commonwealth got things in hand.

Then Germans did what no one should
Sand Britain's pride - the HMS Hood
Things began biting very hard
Now even clothes on ration cards.

Then joy, a tit for tat
Bismarck sunk, Huns take that!
Then in the middle of that year
An attack into Russia I fear.

Later on more of our ships went down
Sailors killed, if not trapped to drown
Dunedin, following mighty Ark Royal
The Barham, again war, an upward toil.

But now it appears Hitler made a big mistake
In freezing weather, failed Russia to take
Dad on leave said "it's the beginning of the end!
With arctic weather the Russians will just defend."

"Mark my words, in a month or so.
You just watch those Russians go!"
All our news was from the papers and wireless
What lies we were told, the truth was a guess.

When at home we'd sit around our radio.
No TV, no comics, board games for us, oh no!
The were light relief programmes of a kind
As some we enjoyed spring to mind.

"Workers Playtime" broadcast from a factory floor
Ignoring the siren, to busy yelling for more.
"Bandbox", I may have got the full name wrong
"I Thank You" Arthur Askey, with a funny song.

Billy Cottons band Funny, with ribald quips
Broadcast to airmen, soldiers, men on ships.
Another programme we thought comic and dandy
Plenty of catch-phrases - used by all when handy.

Char to host, Tommy Handley, "can I do you know sir?"
I was too young then to know what it might refer!
Many a show one singer featured in
Of course our beloved Miss Vera Lynne.

One programme might, or not, give us the blues
Was avidly listened to - the BBC news.
Mostly to me it always seemed so bad.
Every day, somehow, we'd been had.

Things at sea all going wrong.
Vera still singing a hopeful song.
At this time full rationing came into force,
Not that there had been much around before, of course.

We ask ourselves how come and why?
Only one battle won was in the sky.
To us the Yanks everything they sold.
What happens if we should run our of gold?

Roosevelt crafty; knew whenever the was was done -
Not Britain; but the US would be number one!

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