March 7, 2011


I was just a kid during the Second World War;
We’d eat almost anything then ask for more.
If we could get pork, lamb, or maybe an egg;
Bones for soup, from the butcher mum did beg.
Lard or suet to cook in, remained in the pan.
Ate what was available, no meal by a plan.
Haricot beans, onions, or anything green;
Most things were rationed, and rarely seen.
We never had any of today's fast food stuff,
Except for fish and chips, that was enough,
But since those days things have got strange;
Advised don’t eat this or that, a whole range!
Now on T.V. the many food adverts we see;
Only eat foodstuff containing Omega Three.
Kids of my day, slim, energetic, full of health;
Parents now approach kitchens with stealth.

Mum had saved for a year, to cook up decent dishes.
Did almost as good as J.C. with the five fishes.
Homemade bread, chicken, roast spuds, brussels and thick gravy.
Afters, Christmas pudding; jelly all wobbly and wavy.

For tea, perhaps some prunes, custard if mum can,
Followed by homemade Christmas cake iced with marzipan.
Next term I'd be in the Juniors school almost next door.
To be educated? Soon to find out what school was for!

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