March 8, 2011

Last of the Halls

The MG uncle was in the King's Navy.
Ship was local, so his sister, mum, he came to see.
On a long-weekend leave, I believe it was just so,
Going to the hippodrome, would I like to go?

Mum said it was okay, so downtown we did nip,
This was better he said, than a weekend on his ship.
Inside the theater was rather rough, things were very worn,
But you could see how glorious it once was, before I was born.

We saw all the usual acts; singer and stand-up comics.
In between the chorus, high kicks and other frolics;
Sand dancers, conjurers, magicians and acrobats;
The so-call star, to follow all the other acts.

It was 'Jane' who long ago featured in a tabloid paper.
She had been depicted in a strip cartoon, always up to a caper.
She pranced with a sausage dog called "Fifi" most completely bare,
The audience, whistled and clapped, poor act, but did they care?

I wasn't too young to realize then
Why audience was mainly older men.
Back a school I was very well met,
Describing "Jane" and her tiny pelmet!

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