March 7, 2011

Chapter 3 --- Back Home

Hitler brooded, schemed and planned.
Beat us British and invaded our land.
They hit radar, airfields from the air,
Almost did it, to be really fair.

Pilots short and our aircraft too.
Britain in a right how-do-you-do?
Hitler then saved us by a great error;
Bombed cities instead - bring us down with terror?

Gave our airforce time to recoup;
Spitfires and Hurricanes on bombers swoop.
Although a great deal of damage was done
We knew the battle of Britain was won.

Now enemy bombers switched to the night,
In our Anderson shelters we felt all right.
Enemy aircraft caught in searchlight's beam;
In shelters too we'd cheer and scream.

This was for real, as if we needed proof.
Cartridges and shrapnel tinkled off our roof.
Time spent in shelters even while at school,
Fans at each end to keep us cool.

Our school was only one road away
From the airfield which has gone today.
Sneak raiders hit the the airport, up and away;
Sometimes they'd strafe us children at play.

We would scream and like rabbits run.
Danger passed, ignorant, we thought it fun.
Sometimes in our shelters we'd have to spend all night,
The Luftwaffe bombing showing us its might.

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