March 7, 2011

Chapter 9

This chapter may not quite be in order.
Remember this is memory, not a tape recorder.
I recall when all blond and tousled haired;
Playing on sister's bed, we sometimes shared.

Playing, jumping and just messing about,
My three-year-old sister gave a shout!
In the window, glass shattered bullet holes;
Screaming under covers; buried like moles.

Mum rushed up, as usual very calm.
Checked we kids had come to no harm.
Looked out the window; who fired the round?
Spotted neighbour's kids before went to ground.

She marched to the house; used no soft soap.
Told the boys' parents that they must cope.
If she saw the rifle she'd call the police.
From that moment the firing must cease.

The parents quite clearly understood;
A quick smashing of the rifle's wood.
We kids at the window, watching the scene.
He got the biggest hiding there's ever been.

Mum took me in to the doctor to check my throat.
A few days later to school I took a note;
Tonsils out, don't worry my dear.
Teacher would visit, she made that clear.

At the op throat was very sore.
Had to eat dried toast - never, no more.
Things in my class were never the same;
Teacher promised to visit - she never came!

School dinner; they never did thrill.
Some of the stuff would make you ill.
Lady helpers who you might know -
An extra dollop "there you go."

Reconstituted spuds placed on your dish.
Grey, tasteless stuff, they called fish.
Greens boiled until limp and soggy.
Eat that lot, you'd feel groggy.

Meat we did get sometimes, of course.
Whale meat and rubbery, tough old horse.
Then of all the stuff dished up,
The meat that really took the cup.

For even that you said "thank-you madam".
That terrible stuff they called Spam.
To be honest, we would eat the lot,
The only hot weekday meal we got.

At home, one of my favorite - no wonder why.
Called, to be polite, a nice name "Pig's Fry".
This dish was made from inside of a pig,
All full of nutrients to make us big.

Try to buy it today and you are told
"Blimey! You must be very old!
It's put into tinned food for your pet.
I'm sorry, but Pig's Fry you'll never get!"

Shiny coats and great energy -
Our pets eat much better now than me.
Pets now fed better than me and you -
We'd better go back to vegetable stew.

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