March 7, 2011

Christmas Poem

This year we are going to do it,
We are not going to sleep.

This year when we're put to bed,
Our vigil we will keep.

To prove it's dear ol' Santa,
Into our room will come,
And not as those bigger kids say
"It's dear ol' dad or mum".

Santa must be invisible,
I never slept a wink.
My eyes were open all the time,
Even just a chink.

But there are our stockings filled up to the brim;
Better we get up and check them to see what he's put in!

Our eyes light up!
We smile a great big toothy grin!
On top, yes, there's an apple, and there's a tangerine.
A few nuts, some raisins and a string tailed sugared mouse.

Shh! Don't get so excited,
You'll wake the entire house!

And there at the foot of my bed my special toy,
It's what I got this year for being a really good boy.
Perhaps next year I really try that much harder.
When last I saw this tin bodied train, it held coco in it's larder.

And if I have been extremely good my year might end with a hit,
If in my Xmas plum pudding if I find a silver thruppenny bit.

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